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A Few More Books That Have Changed Lives (Part 3)

Are you looking for your next good read?
A Few More Books That Have Changed Lives (Part 3)
Photo by Ed Robertson / Unsplash

Are you still looking for your next good read?

From Jeremy —It Will Never Happen to Me: Growing Up with Addiction as Youngsters, Adolescents, and Adults by Claudia Black. Other books by Claudia Black.

From Robert —Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis. Other books by CS Lewis.

From Jeri — Pedagogy of the Oppressed by Paulo Freire.

From Sarah— A Wrinkle In Time by Madeleine L’Engle — Among other important themes is the idea that we have value, even when we don’t see it in ourselves. When I first read this book, this was an important message to my young teenage self. (And continues to be, if I’m honest.)

From Seri— Leading Decisively, Leading Faithfully by LeBron Fairbanks. Note: The author saw this post and sent me a copy of this book! I’m looking forward to reading it. :-)

From Suzanne — Canoeing the Mountains: Christian Leadership in Uncharted Territory — by Tod Bolsinger. 

From Bob & Kim — How to Walk into a Room by Emily P Freeman.

From Wylie— The Four Spiritual Laws.

From Karyn — Mister God, This Is Anna — by Fynn and Papas.

From Vanessa — Gutenberg’s Apprentice by Alix Christie — She does an absolutely masterful job of transporting the reader back to medieval Mainz!

From Virginia — Who is God? by C.S. Cowles — The title is not very engaging, but the message is life-changing!

From Riki — The Scarlet Thread  by Francine Rivers— It’s the first Christian novel I’ve ever read. I didn’t even know there were books in that genre. MIND BLOWN!!!

From Anita —Soul of Desire by Curt Thompson.

From Jonathan — I gave up dreams of being in the Air Force because of The Ravens by Christopher Robbins. I ended up spending my whole adult life in Africa and then Asia because of Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe. I learned to truly love literature because of A Prayer for Owen Meany by John Irving (Order here). But I understand and appreciate the power of story (and teach far too much about the impact of punctuation) because of Tim O’Brien’s The Things They Carried.

From Nick — Holy Bible. Order an NIV Cultural Backgrounds Study Bible here.

Psalm 123: I Raise My Eyes to You (SLRP Devo)
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