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More Books That Have Changed Lives (Part 2)

Are you looking for your next good read?
More Books That Have Changed Lives (Part 2)
Photo by Ed Robertson / Unsplash

Are you looking for your next good read?

Here are a few suggestions from some of my friends!

From Chris & Pam— A Theology of Love by Mildred Bangs Wynkoop. Other books by Mildred Bangs Wynkoop.

From Tara – Holy Bible

From Christine – Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers – Don’t start reading it until Friday night when you get off work. Note from Steve: I recently finished this book. It is a great story of difficult unconditional love. Other books by Francine Rivers.

From Lindsay— Unclean by Richard BeckOther books by Richard Beck

From Lindsay – The Critical Journey by Janet O. Hagberg and Robert A. Geulich.

From Timo – The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg. Note from Steve: I read this book several years ago, and it’s excellent! Other books by Charles Duhigg

From Dave – Arrow Pointing to Heaven by James Bryan Smith. Other books by James Bryan Smith.

From Darren – When the Well Runs Dry by Thomas Green. Other books by Thomas Green.

From Jaeson – Eternity in Their Hearts by Don Richardson. Other books by Don Richardson.

From Deborah — Aint I a Woman by Bell Hooks. Other books by Bell Hooks.

From Joni – Anna Karenina by Tolstoy –  One with an amazing God encounter / realization that also dawned on me during my days of questioning. Other books by Tolstoy.

7 Facts About the Bible That You May Not Know...or Haven’t Thought About For Awhile (The Bible, Pt. 1)
It’s amazing to me that when I read the Scriptures in their own context, the way they were written, and for the purpose they were written, the words come alive with new colors, and the stories become new again, even though I’ve heard them so many times before.
Audio and Video Version of “I Called, You Answered”
Audio/Video | SQRP Devotional from Psalm 120 | I called and you answered me.
Psalm 122: May There Be Well-Being (SQRP Devo)
Let there be well-being among us and for those among whom we have been placed. Let there be well-being for our church family, those who walk with us in faith. Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me, my family, and my church. (SQRP Devotional from Psalm 120)