We All Read Through Tinted Lenses (The Bible, Pt. 2)
We read the words of Scripture through a particular lens, made up of our language, culture, worldview, and another wheelbarrow full of assumptions. Most of the time, we are not even aware of our assumptions or the tinted lens through which we read.
7 Facts About the Bible That You May Not Know...or Haven't Thought About For Awhile (The Bible, Pt. 1)
It's amazing to me that when I read the Scriptures in their own context, the way they were written, and for the purpose they were written, the words come alive with new colors, and the stories become new again, even though I've heard them so
many times before.
Journey Through Scripture (Episode 3 - Genesis 1:27)
I'm excited to offer this third episode of "Journey Through Scripture" based on Genesis 1:27. This is part three of a three-episode series.
Journey Through Scripture (Episode 2 - Genesis 1:26)
I'm excited to offer this second episode of "Journey Through Scripture" based on Genesis 1:26. This is part two of a three-episode series.
Journey Through Scripture (Episode 1 - Genesis 1:26)
I'm excited to offer this first episode of "Journey Through Scripture" based on Genesis 1:26. It's part one of a three-episode series.