It's Black Saturday
Dead…gone…hope is lost.
All we hoped for is no more.
What now? Numb silence.
— Steve Fairbanks
It's Good Friday
“Unless there is a Good Friday in your life, there can be no Easter Sunday.” —Ven. Fulton Sheen—
It's Maundy Thursday
As the disciples lounge, leaning toward the table with their feet behind them, away from the table, Jesus picks up a basin and towel. Perhaps we can imagine him walking behind each of his friends, picking up their dirty feet...
It's Spy Wednesday
This unnamed woman gives up her most valuable possession (probably) for the sake of Jesus. For her, Jesus was worthy of this expensive outpouring of this valuable resource. She willingly lowered herself, poured it out, and surrendered herself to anoint the Messiah King.
It's Holy Tuesday
Sunday's celebratory shouts of “Hosanna, hosanna!” were tempered with a seemingly agitated Jesus on Monday. And now, as we stop to reflect on this Holy Tuesday, we can see the sun beginning to set. A most unexpected and unwelcome series of events is about to take place.
It's Holy Monday
Repentance, prayer, and preparation
It's Palm Sunday
As Jesus entered Jerusalem, the crowds spread their clothes and palm branches along the road. So, I guess the day could also be called “Clothes on the Road Sunday,” but that doesn’t have the same ring to it, does it?