Steve's Journal for June 28

* I read this recently...
* Family update
* I listened to this recently...
* Election year thoughts
* I took these photos recently...
* Some Links I Like
* Recent articles from Do Everything In Love
I read this recently...
When people ask me which version of the Bible they should use, I have for many years told them that I don't much mind as long as they always have at least two open on the desk. It is, of course, better for everyone to learn Greek. The finest translations are still, basically, a matter of trying to play a Beethoven symphony on a mouth-organ.
– N.T. Wright, "Lost and Found in Translation," available online.
Over the past couple of years, I have enjoyed listening to "Ask N.T. Wright Anything" on Premiere Unbelievable. His book Surprised by Hope also powerfully impacted my life. I look forward to delving into more of his writing.
If you've been following D.E.I.L., you know I've begun a new series called "The Bible." As important as this book is to those who have put their hope and trust in Jesus, I have found that Christians often don't know how to read the Bible well. There is a great deal of confusion and misunderstanding surrounding these sacred writings.
I'm on a journey of growth and discovery regarding the Bible—just as every sincere and thoughtful believer ought to be—so I invite you to join me on this journey. Here are links to the first two installments:
The Bible, Part 1 – Article | Video | Audio
The Bible, Part 2 – Article | Video | Audio