2 min read

Leaving Comments and Giving Feedback - It's the Thing to Do!

Leaving Comments and Giving Feedback - It's the Thing to Do!
Photo by Priscilla Du Preez 🇨🇦 / Unsplash

One of the best parts of being part of a community like Do Everything In Love, is the ability to interact with others. As social beings created in the image of God, we need each other. We cannot grow as disciples of Jesus Christ without engagement and interaction with other people – inside the church and out.

One great way to do this is by providing feedback and commenting on the articles you read. I'll show you how to do this below:

Giving feedback and commenting when reading email

  1. If you are reading a Do Everything In Love email you received in your inbox, at the bottom of the email, you will see:
  1. Please take a second to let me know if you like the content and would like more stuff like it...or not. It's really easy.
  2. Then, when you click the "Comment" button, you will be taken to the online version of the article. At the end of this article, you will see "Member Discussion." If you've never signed in before, you will see this:
  1. Signing in is very easy, and you should only have to do it once (unless you log out again). Click "Sign in," enter your email, and follow the instructions you receive.
  2. After signing in, you should see any comments that have already been made (unless you are the first, lucky you!) and a box where you can provide your own comment. It will look something like this:

Commenting when reading online

  1. If you are reading Do Everything In Love online, scroll to the end of the article. If you've never signed in before, you will see this:
  1. Signing in is very easy, and you should only have to do it once (unless you log out again). Click "Sign in," enter your email, and follow the instructions you receive.
  2. After signing in, you should see any comments that have already been made (unless you are the first, lucky you!) and a box where you can provide your own comment. It will look something like this:

That's it!

Well done. Just for fun, let's practice.

For your very first comment at Do Everything In Love, tell me about something that is a favorite of yours. It can be anything—your favorite movie, food, hobby, crayon...anything.


Next week -- Part one of a new Bible series!